Walking to school can be hazardous to your health if mom ain’t on your side!
Posts Tagged nature
The beauty Conrad sees in nature is eerily similar to what a more materialistic Winslow sees in Wall street. Love is often in the eye of the beholder, but unrequited love is equally mysterious.
Conrad decides to leave Jimi Hendrix and Elvis alone and spare them the troubles in America. Or is it the other way around?
For Conrad, the world is a place to investigate, discuss, think about, wonder, and marvel. To others he’s just weird. Perhaps the other students at Treewiddle Elementary could learn a lesson or two from Supertramp – The Logical Song “When[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Conrad doesn’t have much authority in his own life, so sometimes a little “invented” authority gives him a little ego boost 😛
Conrad loves to spend time away from the human world, but when he stumbles upon the Natural world it always leaves him confused.