That’s me with my KIDZ crew! We met around 1995 in Cape Cod, Massachusetts during my daily two-hour commute to Boston. I originally began drawing comics on a hillside at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst in 1987, but unfortunately work, wives, lawyers, guns, and money have a way of slowing down your dreams (sometimes they actually happen all at once.)
I grew up in a town just north of Boston. Similar to many New Englanders I am branded with a deep appreciation for Nature and history, and though I currently reside on the NY border my heart still lies beneath an autumn oak in a New England field.
Like many folks in the webcomic community I love to draw, but after walking through the dark valley of hopeful newspaper syndication I discovered it’s still dark. It’s always going to be dark. By ‘dark’ I’m saying the rewarding sunlight from a major national syndicate no longer exists; those companies have passed the event horizon of the Internet black hole –– so now, before I expire, I’m putting Kidzcomic on the web.
If it’s not raining then I’m usually on that bike pictured above. I hate cars but trucks are a good substitute transportation. For many years I was a teacher (elementary, middle, high school, and college professor) and those years have given me more ideas for the comic strip than I could ever draw.
Sports made for a great slice of my life but age has a way of retiring the body while the competitive drive is still going strong. For a time I was a wrestling coach, and if Rugby was played on the East Coast as much as the West Coast I would still be playing.
Fortunately as the body fails the mind gets stronger. I passionately follow Astronomy and Paleontology because they stretch the mind further with reality than fiction could ever accomplish.
My studio is my lair where I continue my portfolio work and dreams of being a children’s book writer/illustrator, though quite often I wish I was back playing Dungeons & Dragons as a kid.